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Turning Followers Into Fortune.

We partner with content creators and influencers to build physical products that are an authentic representation of your unique brand and values.

Think a physical product might be the ideal way to grow your brand? Want us to review your channel and provide up to 10 amazing product ideas, all based on your content? Then click the button below.

Your Brand, Beyond Digital

Instead of just endorsing other peoples brands, let's collaborate to create products that truly represent yours.


Our goal? By working together, we'll turn your content into authentic products that offer not just an opportunity for profit, but also a share in ownership and profit. You will establish a long-term, sustainable income stream that complements your existing online presence and deepens your connection with your audience through products that resonate with them and reflect you.


Crafting unique product concepts that align your brand and audience appeal


Refining and finalizing designs into prototypes, incorporating creator and audience feedback.


Producing the final product with quality materials, ensuring brand consistency and creator vision.

Your Path Is Clear

Did you know Ryan Reynolds built his $350 million fortune by becoming the brand ambassador and an owner of Aviation Gin? He leveraged his social media presence to develop this brand which later sold for $610 million. 

Now you can follow Ryan's path to your own success!

We work with influencers and content creators just like you to turn your followers into fortune.

You have built the audience. Let us show you how to monetize it authentically with your own line of physical products. 

Our Process

Design: Transform ideas into tangible product designs and prototypes using Alphidia’s network of over 600 product designers.


Production: Utilize our vast global network of over 2000 factories to select manufacturers, source materials, and oversee quality-controlled production.


Distribute: Harness our strong retail connections to access new markets


Ideation: Perform extensive market research and conduct collaborative brainstorming including one-one-one coaching to identify product ideas that align with your brand.


Testing: Conduct functionality tests, quality checks, and gather user feedback for product refinement.


Launch: Develop and execute a comprehensive go-to-market strategy designed to leverage your unique online presence and audience.


Get The Book!

Mark W. Richards, Alphidia's founder, wrote the book on how to monetize authentically with your own line of products. Due to be published in June 2024,  you can now pre-order your free copy!

Launch: Develop and execute a comprehensive go-to-market strategy designed to leverage your unique online presence and audience.


Testing: Conduct functionality tests, quality checks, and gather user feedback for product refinement.


Ideation: Perform extensive market research and conduct collaborative brainstorming including one-one-one coaching to identify product ideas that align with your brand.


Production: Utilize our vast global network of over 2000 factories to select manufacturers, source materials, and oversee quality-controlled production.


Design: Transform ideas into tangible product designs and prototypes using Alphidia’s network of over 600 product designers.


Our Process

Need Some Unique
Product Ideas? 

Okay, so we've convinced you to at least consider launching your own product line based on your amazing content. 

You've done the work to create great content and build an audience. That's the hard stuff. Now turn your followers into a fortune with products as unique as you are.

Need some ideas? We'll give you a head start. We will analyze your content and send you a list of products we think you should launch. All for free! Just click below to get started.

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